New Fiction & Nonfiction Editors

ETR is delighted to welcome two new editors to our incredible editorial team: Julie Wan and Manik Perera!

Julie, our Nonfiction Editor, earned her MFA in nonfiction from University of Pittsburgh. She now lives in the DC area, where she is working to bring together creative/contemplative people who share our love for art and faith. Manik, our Fiction Editor, wrote her Master’s thesis on the intersection of art, public space, and embodied experiences. She has held roles with the Asia Pacific Women’s Leadership and Development Association and the Living Architecture Studio. We look forward to all the wonderful prose submissions they’ll curate during their tenure.

We would like to thank our outgoing Prose Editor Allison Myers for her years-long dedication to EcoTheo. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors!

If you are interested in submitting works of fiction or creative nonfiction, please visit our Submission Guidelines page and address emails to Manik or Julie.

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