The Aggregate for November 15

The EcoTheo Aggregate brings you great eco-content from around the web every week. Follow us, or send your ideas, #ETRaggregate or

Reclaimed Spaces

Those who commute long hours during the week often consider the monotonous highways, blurred subway walls, gray buildings and endless train cars to be background noise. The Arts and Design program of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in Brooklyn, NY, is claiming that previously blank space as a means to inspire. They believe that canvasses should no longer be kept only in museums. Read more…

Za’atari Gardens

We have become accustomed to Syria’s presence in the news because of destruction, war and devastation. Save The Children has come up with a way to change the story to hope, dignity, and peace through gardening classes in the Za’atari refugee camp.  Aljazeera recently published a beautiful compilation of photos and stories of people and families touched by participation in restoring their land. View their stories…

What We Can Learn From Upstreamists

At ETR, we are passionate about looking at the environment through a big-picture ecological view that encompasses all of the relationships that we take part in. We believe that a holistic redemption of the earth can only come through the revitalization of all avenues of our being. Rishi Manchanda, a doctor in South Central LA, believes the same for his medical practice. In this TED talk, he does not just focus on the symptoms to treat that he can see in the patient in his waiting room. This doctor looks “upstream” to the outside factors that are affecting the client and tries to address those factors as well.  In understanding how “upstreamist” medical professionals think and view sickness, we can better participate in innovative healing work together: for people and for the earth. Watch this TED Talk…

Reduce, Reuse, Re-wear

The familiar mantra “reduce, reuse, recycle” has moved beyond simply forgoing plastic bottles. The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) Retailer Sustainability Conference met last month to discuss undertaking how to effectively move forward with sustainable practices in the clothing industry in a way that makes consumers understand how “sustainability and economic development are not mutually exclusive, but rather can be mutually beneficial”. We don’t have to sacrifice our expressions of who we are for what we believe is possible for the world. Read about the conference…

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