‘Tis the Season

‘Tis the season y’all. ‘Tis the season to be grateful, right? But here’s the thing: around this time of year I start to get down.
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‘Tis the season y’all.  ‘Tis the season to be grateful, right? But here’s the thing: around this time of year I start to get down. About what you ask? Oh you know, American consumerism, cold weather rapidly approaching, the sun setting so dang early. I don’t mean to sound negative–I’m typically a pretty upbeat person. Upbeat, yes, but also a human impacted by my environment. So at at the end of a cold, dark day I can feel a little down.

And then I remember this season of gratitude.

Each Thanksgiving I find myself surprised by all the reflections from folks on what they’re thankful for. But should I really be so surprised when there is so much around to sing about? This year in particular I am singing for creation. Yeah, it’s getting colder and staying darker, but I have loved watching the fall leaves turn and have spent many afternoons in the sunshine trying to soak in its last warmth as winter approaches.

Nature is an obvious refrain but this season I’m especially thankful for new life within. At twenty-one weeks pregnant I am amazed and grateful that God, creator of the Universe, has trusted me and my body with cultivating new life. What a gift! There is so much fear wrapped up in our society around pregnancy and childbirth and I find myself working daily to pause and be grateful. Grateful that we’re reminded we’re loved by a God who cares for the lilies of the field and the birds of the air. This winter while things go cold and dark I’ll be reflecting on the promise of spring, and new life again in the garden and in our family!

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