We return again to Sabbath.
We are called away from the work that defines the other six days to remember and practice what God first demonstrated. Sabbath is a time of rest, a time set apart from the hecticness of the rest of the week.
Today is a day to practice Sabbath. Share below what Sabbath is for you.
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This week, a little something extra to break you away from work.
Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church
By Emily Dickinson
SOME keep the Sabbath going to church;
I keep it staying at home,
With a bobolink for a chorister,
And an orchard for a dome.
Some keep the Sabbath in surplice;
I just wear my wings,
And instead of tolling the bell for church,
Our little sexton sings.
God preaches,—a noted clergyman,—
And the sermon is never long;
So instead of getting to heaven at last,
I ’m going all along![ref]Emily Dickinson. Complete Poems. 1924. This poem was sourced from Bartleby.com[/ref]