Breaking Boundaries, Healing Climates
byErin Hollowell’s Boundaries is a poetic enactment of ecological healing. The word boundary signifies the existence of two distinct entities or domains keep separate not…
Erin Hollowell’s Boundaries is a poetic enactment of ecological healing. The word boundary signifies the existence of two distinct entities or domains keep separate not…
The year 2018 marks the halfway point through one of the most misogynistic presidencies in American history. This year was equally full of women’s…
A Review of Eve Luckring’s The Tender Between that Begins and Ends Nearly as Many Times as the Book Has Sections Ornithopter Press, 2018…
Betty Sue is fixing a roast, in honor of Wynette who died last Tuesday. The meal will be a stick-to-your-ribs affair—beef with potatoes and…
Anemochory (Hyacinth Girl Press, 2016) and Season of Dares (Bull City Press, 2018) by Leah Silvieus Leah Silvieus’s first chapbook, Anemochory, takes its title…
A review of I Can’t Talk About the Trees Without the Blood (University of Pittsburgh Press) by Tiana Clark As Adrienne Rich suggested, “in…
“The whole universe is aflame.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Le Milieu Mystique, (1917) I By midafternoon the hawk was ill and by…
A Review of The Dream of Reason (Copper Canyon) by Jenny George The Dream of Reason’s opening poem, “Origins of Violence,” recounts a narrative…
On the sidewalk. On the patio. From the backyard bushes. Doe and fawn leap toward open space to see my young— bright-eyed and sleek…