Letter from the Editors

Welcome and thank you for visiting The EcoTheo Review. After months of planning and preparation, we are ecstatic to finally have the site up and running. This site began with the realization that a collaborative, interdisciplinary discussion between the Christian community and the broader ecological field was sorely lacking.  It is our hope that The EcoTheo Review will provide a platform to help bridge that gap and, indeed, not only be a place for conversation but serve as a catalyst for positive action, as well.

We believe that solutions to the mounting ecological degradation around the world will not come from one specific field but rather from a broad, integrated discussion between all interested parties. Consequently, ETR knows these solutions lie in learning from one another rather than in bickering over who is wrong and who is right. Therefore, ETR will strive to host a variety of voices—even those we might at times disagree with. Insularity and isolationism of ideas may bolster confidence, but such an outlook will do little to address real world issues.

We seek to publish work centering on the themes Christianity, ecology, and culture. In keeping with our belief that positive change will not come from any one, specific community, our site unabashedly will publish mixed content from a variety of different voices and mediums. You will find poetry published alongside academic articles, narrative in conjunction with evocative paintings. This is no mistake. We believe these voices are not a hodgepodge collection of miscellanea, but rather offer additional dimensions and viewpoints to the overall discussion. ETR strives to stir not only the minds of our readers, but their hearts, as well.

As we move forward, ETR will also host free educational materials. These will include curriculums, Bible studies, reading group guides, and more. We believe education is a vital component in addressing the ecological issues of our day, and will seek to provide materials to help in this area.

ETR’s website will release material weekly, so please visit us regularly for new articles and artwork. Also, make sure to visit the blog section of our site, as this will be a place where we post important announcements (such as ways to get involved), links we like, and additional content such as book suggestions, “how to pieces,” and more. We will be accepting submissions year round and would love to see your work. Please see our guidelines to submit your own work. And please help us spread the word about the site.

Thanks for stopping by,

Will Wellman, Nick Babladelis, Jeff Johnson and Nate Sell

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[openquote]These all look to you to give them their food in due...
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