Palm Sunday

Today is the final Sabbath day of EnviroLent, which means it’s also Palm Sunday. It’s the day we remember the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem (you can check out the Gospel accounts of this in Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:28-44 or John 12:12-19).

It’s a celebration of a different kind. Welcoming a king who rides a donkey (not a symbol of poverty, but of peace–King’s road donkey’s in times of peace) into the city that will have him summarily executed within the week.

Beauty and terror, joy and sorrow, mingled together today. This last Sabbath day of Lent looks to the joy and celebration of Easter, with the shadow of the cross looming large.

Questions & Actions

  • Make sure to read one of the Gospel accounts of the triumphal entry (or more than one, see above). What strikes you in this story? What natural elements are part of Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem?
  • The palms used during Palm Sunday services are traditionally saved, burned, and the ashes will be used next year on Ash Wednesday. This act knits the liturgical year together, and is once again a reminder of both the created reality of our existence, and its finite nature. Perhaps there is a symbol of remembrance you can bring into your life today? One idea: write a poem for this Palm Sunday to bring out at the start of the next lent, reflecting on this season of EnviroLent.
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