The Aggregate for October 18th

The ECOTHEO Aggregate brings you great eco-content from around the web every week. Follow us, or send your ideas, #ETRaggregate or

Lion(fish) Attacks

Exotic invasive species are frequently mentioned as one of the top ecological threats currently. ETR has ran a number of articles discussing this threat, both in general and detailing a specific example. Vox recently ran an article discussing the invasive Lionfish and the havoc it is wreaking on coral reef communities. Read more…

A State-Size Methane Cloud

A roughly Delware-sized cloud of methane, the most potent greenhouse gas, has accumulated over Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah. The cloud “traps more heat in a year than all the annual carbon dioxide emissions of Sweden.” Read more…

On the Uselessness of Creatures

The New York Times ran an opinion piece entitled “Useless Creatures.” The piece discusses the various ways we measure wildlife’s value and offers a refreshing “useless” take. Read more…

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A universal grin

All nature wears one universal grin. Henry Fielding
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