Union Theological Seminary Divests

Union Theological Seminary in New York City recently became the first seminary to divest from fossil fuels. Union’s president Serene Jones wrote an op-ed on Time.com about the divestment and the reasons behind it. Union has a $108.4 million endowment and while this will not make much of a financial impact to oil companies, Jones notes that is not Union’s reason for doing so:

We realize that our endowment alone will hardly cause the fossil fuel giants to miss even half a heartbeat. That said, it is on moral grounds that we pursue divestment, and on theological grounds that we trust it matters. The Christian term for this reckless hope in the power of God to use our decisions of conscience to transform the world is resurrection, and I have faith in the power of resurrection.

350.org also put out a piece on Union’s decision to divest. Union joins a number of other Christians who have divested, as the 350.org piece notes:

Union’s decision to divest reflects a growing concern among faith communities about the dangers of climate change. Dozens of churches around the world, from Anglicans in New Zealand to Quakers in the United Kingdom, have divested their holdings. The United Church of Christ of Massachusetts and Minnesota, the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Oregon, the Maine Council of Churches, and others have all supported divestment…Next week, the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) will consider a fossil fuel divestment proposal at its General Assembly in Detroit. Twelve regional Presbyteries across the country have already voted to affirm the climate-change overture.The Unitarian Universalist church will be debating a resolution later this summer, as well.

What are your thoughts on Union’s divestment?

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