Backyard Cathedral Kit

Step One:

Sweep compost of your midnights
into flowerbeds.
Spiral paths to the center
to entice the improbable bee.
Building a garden to see the Something
you have never seen before
is living the Alleluia.

Step Two:

Train your passion in chapels of roses.
Plant bell towers of lupine,
poppies to strew red petals
in the wind of the unseen.
Preparing for the Something
you have never seen before
is living the Alleluia.

Step Three:

Raise the altar, a fountain splendoring
questions in a blue water-bowl.
Halo with sunflowers
to light whatever water divines.
Waiting for the Something
you have never seen before
is living—

      wind roars
          red petals fly
              fountain sings
      a blue hawk
          grips the water-bowl
              eviscerates your chest

      your heart falls
              on the ground

is the Something
you have never seen before—
your heart bared unto its angel
the Alleluia peering up at you.
Written By
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