Day 2: Brushfires

We offer to God an acceptable worship with reverence and awe; for indeed our God is a consuming fire.

Hebrews 12:28-29

Take some time to reflect on this painting entitled Brushfires from Caitlin Gilliam. And take this time of reflection as an opportunity for prayer. Listen to what the image stirs in you. Only then consider moving on to the questions below.

Remember, these devotions are meant to prompt and encourage you, not to be a checklist of requirements. If you’ve read this far, and engaged fully, that is enough. If you still wish to go deeper, you are welcome.

Questions & Action

  • When was the last time you stood around a fire? What was your experience of it? Was it reverence and awe? Or something else?
  • Fire is a natural process on the land, one which allows for the succession of plant and animal life and inhibits massive burns. Out of the fire springs balance and new life. With this in mind, how is God like a consuming fire for you? Or is there a better (perhaps natural) analogy?
  • Find a place this week for your own moment in front of a ‘brushfire’. No, don’t start a real one. But perhaps you have a fire pit or fire place. Maybe you’re brave enough to start one in the snow (or smart enough to live somewhere without any). Take this as a moment to pick up the prayer you started here, to think back on this image and scripture.

Join in and share your reactions in the comments bellow.


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