DAY 28: To Usher in Communion and Life

Graduate students in the sciences were challenged to translate their research into a prayer of confession—to communicate how the work they’re doing in creation is addressing the brokenness we see around. And we invite you to join in.

[openquote]O God, who cares for both individual souls and the whole creation, we bring our lament for the broken communion between you, our neighbors, and the world. We confess that we are more apt to be selfish in our ways rather than thoughtful and loving. O Lord, we long for a world where we act more like your Son, who ushers in — not death and alienation, but — resurrection and life. May the work that we do and the lives that we live bring that day closer. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.[closequote]

A prayer of confession from the Au Sable Graduate Fellows

Questions & Activities

  • How does this prayer resonate with you?
  • During Lent we seek to remember our own mortality. In prayer, alone and in community, we follow Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem and the events that unfold there. Yet, we are also called to remember, that Christ came, ultimately, to bring life and communion. Jesus’ path entailed his death but it did not end there, instead bringing about communion and new life. As we near the end of winter, think about creation’s cycle through death to life. Additionally, think about how various parts of creation commune together to create new life? How can we seek to be bearers of life and communion?
  • Write your own prayer of confession around the theme of ushering in life and communion. It may look something like this: O God, who created the world in love and works to sustain it through grace, we bring our lament for [how do you lament your own failure to commune with the world around you]. We confess [what are some ways we are culpable for death and alienation?]. O Lord, we long for a world [what is your hope for change?]. May the work we do and the lives we live bring that day closer. Amen.
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