Day 4: Wildlands

At a recent Au Sable Graduate Fellows‘ Conference graduate students in the sciences were challenged to translate their research into a prayer of confession—to communicate how the work they’re doing in creation is addressing the brokenness around us. Every Saturday through Lent, we invite you to find yourself, your geography, your worries and hopes in these prayers of confession. And we invite you to join in.

Oh God, who takes glory not only in human lives in societies but also in wildlands and untamed life, we bring our lament for the lands and creatures that have suffered under the heavy hand of human ambition. We confess that we are greedy, careless, and irreverent in our use of the good land you have given us. Oh Lord we long for a world where we, your image bearers, will enjoy abundant life alongside your redeemed creation, being together set free from the bonds of decay to enjoy the glory of the children of God. Amen.

A prayer of confession from the Au Sable Graduate Fellows

Questions & Activities

  • How does this prayer resonate with you?
  • The 40 days of Lent is a reminder of those who wandered before us in the wilderness (like Moses, the Israelite community, Elijah, and Jesus).
  • Write your own prayer of confession around the theme of wilderness—those wild and untamed places in the world— using the structure of I. Praise II. Lament III. Confession and IV. Hope.
  • While creating your prayer, consider how praise, lament, confession and hope connect to each other, how they relate to the Lenten season, and, lastly, to your relationship with Creator and creation.
  • Example:
    Oh God, [something about wilderness you would thank or praise God for], we bring our lament for [how do you lament the state wilderness?]. We confess [what are some ways we are responsible for this lament?]. Oh Lord, we long for a world [what is your hope for change?]. Amen.
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