Day 9: A Rooted Spirituality

I was not seeking the airy heights of transcendence. I wanted a rooted spirituality; wanted to meet Jesus crouching there in the dirt, scribbling a few words.

Fred Bahnson

From Soil and Sacrament

Questions & Actions

  • Where is your spiritual life rooted? Are there particular practices or habits, songs or spaces that leave you feeling rooted? Share them below.
  • In John 8:6 Jesus writes in the dirt, that’s what Bahnson references in the quote above. Read the whole unit, 8:1-11. What do you make of is all starting with Jesus retreating to the Mount of Olives, and then returning to the cities busyness?
  • Get your own hands dirty and plant something this week. For most of the United States it may feel like winter’s grip is too tight, but late February is not too early for some things. And if you’re in warmer climates (or southern climates!) you can join in. In colder areas, start some broccoli, cauliflower, or cabbage inside. In warmer areas (whether on the edge of fall or spring) you may be able to sow these outdoors. Consult your local agricultural extension for specifics in your area.
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