First Sunday: Sabbath

You have made it to the first Sunday of Lent. Sundays are not actually part of the 40 days of Lent–they are special days, set apart. Sunday is the day that Christians celebrate Sabbath, a practice knit into the fabric of creation. On the seventh day, at the close of the first creation narrative, God rests (Genesis 2:2-3).

We are called away from the work that defines the other six days to remember and practice what God first demonstrated. Sabbath is a time of rest, a time set apart from the hecticness of the rest of the week.

Through EnviroLent, there won’t be a specific practice or devotional on Sundays for exactly this reason. It is time to put aside the work of the week (that passed, and is to come) and practice Sabbath rest.

So today, practice Sabbath, and share below what Sabbath is for you.

EnviroLent this Past Week

Day 4: Wildlands
Day 3: Holy Contours 
Day 2: Brushfires
Day 1: Bless the Lord, O My Soul

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