Rx Mother Nature

Outside Magazine recently put together a list of six natural strategies for improving overall health, all involving getting outdoors. The strategies suggested are ones many of us may already follow, but have been recently gaining credibility in the scientific community for their proven health-giving abilities.

For those interested in a longer article about the health benefits of the outdoors, check out Florence Williams’ article for Outside, titled “Take Two Hours of Pine Forest and Call Me in the Morning.” Williams’ piece addresses how many facets of modern civilization have led to various health issues (e.g. depression, obesity, hypertension) and that time spent outdoors can help with these issues and others. The article centers around Japan and their practice of shinrin-yoku or “forest bathing.” An interesting look at the health benefits of time spent in the woods and the recent scientific studies backing this up.

Perhaps Nate Sell is actually onto something with all of his wilderness pilgrimage rants.

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