Day 35: I’ve Seen Stones Cry

He answered, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.”

Luke 19:40

I’ve seen the stones cry out. I’ve seen sunlight catch granite on frosty sunrise mornings. I’ve heard water pouring over stones on a dusky-red trout stream, giving Mozart a run. I’ve grabbed for a rock, missed, yelled “take,” only to find my face looking at that sandstone real close. Seen big boulders, fields of ‘em, fallen off from their Cumberland ridge homes. A graveyard of stones.

I used to go sleep under a big, undercut boulder. We called the rock “Tea Time.” While others climbed I read about Japhy Rider and drank Earl Grey instead. When it rained on Tea Time, I stayed dry. The rains made that rock cry out.

Up North, old Ojibway[ref]Or Chippewa, a Native American tribe[/ref] pictographs red on rock like dried blood. If these stones could talk would they remember those ancient graffiti artists? Those Banksy-Indians?

The stones do cry out. The whole Creation is crying out to the Glory.

Maybe we’re just a little hard of hearing.

By Nate Sell, Senior Columnist

Questions & Actions

  • Take a moment and read the whole scripture passage in its context, Luke 19:28-40. Read it slowly and intentionally. What strikes you? What words and phrases stand out? Share your thoughts below.
  • Have you ever seen ‘stones cry out’? Has creation ever spoken of the glory of God to you? Share your experience below.
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